Jesha's Club Benefits


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Jesha’s Club Frequently Asked Questions

First, click the little icon of a person in the top right hand corner of our website to be taken to the “My Account” page.

Once there, click the tab that says “Subscriptions” to see any active subscriptions you may have. Click “Edit” next to the item(s) you’d like to modify or “Cancel” right underneath that if you’d prefer to cancel your subscription entirely.

First login to your account and navigate to 'My Subscriptions.' From there, you will be taken to your subscription dashboard.

Locate the subscription product(s) you wish to update and select 'Set Next Date or Edit Frequency'

Yes! Login to your account and click My Subscriptions.

From your dashboard, you can add additional products to be shipped with your next subscription order just once, or add to your regular subscription shipment!

Yes, we'll email you before each shipment! Review, revise, and skip orders with ease.

After you've placed a subscription order, you want to create an account.

Make sure to enter the same email you used on your first order. Now you’re able to make changes to your subscription.

First login to your account and navigate to 'My Subscriptions.' Find the subscription that you are updating the payment method for, then click 'Edit Payment Method'.


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Visit my Account

Visit your account to make changes to your subscriptions.

Easy access to add or remove items, manage your delivery frequency, skip shipments, or cancel your subscription.

They’re Feeling It

"The banana bread and pumpkin spice bread whipped up in about 5 minutes. What I love is their subtle sweetness, making them perfect for breakfast."

“The best pancakes ever! The flavor is BOMB and the fluffiness is superb. My kids and husband rave about Jesha’s, and I love that it’s real sourdough. Amazing!”

“...These sourdough baking mixes don’t just taste good, they’re unreal! It’s that irreplaceable, irresistible, tastes-just-like-home-made goodness. Every single time.”